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287  Beryl var. Aquamarine
Erongo Mountain, Usakos and Omaruru Districts, Erongo Region, Namibia  
small-cabinet  7.8 x 7.4 x 4.5 cm

Collected 2003.

Crystals to 4.4 x 0.7 cm.

Jordi: A dramatic floater made up of a group of prismatic, brilliant crystals with sharp faces. Near the ends are clear colorless areas that contrast with the intense blue of the rest of the crystals, some of which are doubly-terminated.

There is a mineral present in small coatings, especially near the terminations on some crystals, which fluoresces bright green in shortwave ultraviolet.


Photos ©2006 Richard Geiger
Specimen acquired from Fabre Minerals

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Mineral Occurances

Beryl61.01.01.01     go     webmineral     mindat


created: 2004-12-09 06:27:16;    modified: 2010-04-12 00:00:18

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